As seen in

The anti-PBM™
Unlike your PBM, we don't make more when you spend more.
Meaningful Plan Savings
We deliver real, quantifiable savings from day one, without the typical ‘delay, deny, & defer’ actions you see from your PBM.
$0 Member Copays
Members benefit from $0 copays on high-cost brand & specialty prescription drugs.
Experience radical clarity
Radical clarity necessitates the elimination of all PBM games that are driving up your costs.
Guaranteed Published Prices
Simple PMPM Subscription Fee
Fiduciary Best Practice
We focus on lower costs, not bigger discounts
Our patent-pending technology, Rexi™, is designed to deliver your drug at the best price, every time, with real-time price searches & comparisons from our exclusive partner providers.

Members gain access to unmatched perks & benefits.
myRescription App
Instant access to active
& historical prescriptions.
Real-time Drug Lookup
Visibility to the details & prices
at pharmacies in your area.
Clinical Concierge
Support from team of licensed
& certified Care Guides.
Digital ID Card
One-click mobile accessibility
to your benefits card.
$0 Copays
On high-cost brand &
specialty prescription drugs.
Lower Price Notifications
Instant notifications when
lower prices are nearby.